Sometimes I feel anxious and overwhelmed when I think that I haven't done enough toward reaching my goals, which can be a great motivator, yet, I don't think it should be. According to Loving What Is by Byron Katie, you can motivate yourself with loving thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, that is not how I programed my self-talk in my mind. I can be mean and condescending to myself! Well, today I had a revelation; when I was feeling really down, and pressuring myself about not taking action (and all based on worries about the future, and if I'm going to be a success and whatnot) I thought to myself that a few people that I have really loved, or have influenced me, were not "successful" in the academic, career, or prestige way that most of us are used to defining success. No, these people were simple, family-oriented, wise, kind, and loving individuals who made/make this world a better place just for being in it, and my life would never be the same if they had not existed. One of these people didn't finish high school, and made minimum wage for most of their life, the other was an undocumented immigrant, who worked as a house servant for many years, and pretty much doesn't have any money saved, and the other never had a career.
One of these people has now passed away, and for his services, the church was so full, that many couldn't find a seat in the very large church. The other is so well respected and loved, that when they travel back to their homeland, they are like a celebrity, and everyone wants them over for dinner. She never has to eat out, because she's fully booked during her month-long visit. The point I'm trying to make is that even though these people were/are not rich, didn't have prestigious careers, etc. they were/are successful. It really calmed my nerves, and helped me put things into perspective. I might make my dreams a reality, but I should do it at my pace, and with love. If not, what kind of life am I living in the process? I should do things that feed my soul, act from love, and try to embody the traits that I admire in others. I think these people that I look up to embody some intangible qualities that are the secret to a good/well-lived life--and that's what I mean to strive for (as well as my goals).
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